Access to the subconscious


Access to the subconscious

Access to the subconscious
We have a personality and a subconscious and a superconscious
These are different floors of our I
when we are in a bad mood, we listen to specific music and think specific thoughts, draw specific negative pictures
When we are in a good mood, we listen to different music, draw different pictures, think different thoughts, experience different emotions.
Spiritual practices is an elevator that moves between floors vertically and horizontally
The diary you keep every day helps you figure out which floor you’re stuck on.
If there are random people next to you, they can honestly write to you about your behavior and the oddities that you do.
Your close people and relatives, friends and acquaintances may be biased, because they are already used to you
If you have some unsolvable problems, then most likely you yourself interfere with their solution
There are objective difficulties and subjective
Objective difficulties are when you can’t fly to Mars or Jupiter right now
Subjective difficulties are when you cannot approach someone to get acquainted or increase your income by 30-50 percent, or solve some problem, looking for excuses for yourself or postponing for later
Spiritual practices allow you to look at yourself and your life and honestly see what is happening.
Ordinary people can not get off the train of their lives, which travels along the paths of fate
Ordinary people can not evaluate themselves and their actions
Ordinary people do not have the opportunity to lose their temper and turn around, seeing themselves in their entirety.
The ability to disidentify with the physical body, energy bodies, soul, thoughts, emotions, actions, personality allow you to change your behavior and reconfigure your life in a new way
With the help of spiritual practices, you can switch to other rails of fate and change your Path.