How to become richer through spiritual practices


How to become richer through spiritual practices

How to become richer through spiritual practices
1.Get a big inheritance :)
2. Work hard
Consider the second option
If you were born in a poor family, then you have many attitudes inside your mind that you need to live a poor life
You know how to do it and know how to do it
Your whole life is a process of copying the behavior of the people around you.
Suddenly you started doing spiritual practices and something inside you changed
Your consciousness has become more flexible and has acquired the property of fluidity and mobility
You began to look around more carefully and realized that there are people who have more money than you
Here is an example from school.
Children come to school and they have emptiness inside
Children fill this void with the knowledge and experience of teachers.
You have a void inside and fill it with money and material goods from your financial teachers
The problem is that rich people grew up in rich families and live in a rich community.
At the subconscious level, rich people easily determine who is in their flock and who is not.
These are often well-known attributes of power, money, influence.
iPhone, sports car, expensive apartments, different vocabulary and speech, chic clothes, joining interest clubs and much more
A person, no matter how smart he is, but who comes to a meeting on foot and in a cheap suit immediately puts himself many steps below his investor / employer / client
To be on the same level, you need similar attributes in your physical body, mind, social role
Classes in theater circles are very useful, which allow you to change yourself to suit your tasks.
People who do not know how to change immediately generate a lot of conflicts in any interaction with other people.
This is due to the fact that adults want the world to live by their rules and constantly demand respect for themselves :)
Because people who read the biography of a billionaire will not become rich if they do not change themselves
Therefore, people who have gone to seminars on success will not become successful if they do not radically change themselves.
Therefore, people who fantasize about a lot of money and fame through creative visualization or meditation will not become rich and famous unless they change themselves.
At any modern seminar there are VIP places and you need to get there by all means
These VIP places are richer and more financially successful people
It is with them that it is worth making acquaintances and business relations and not sitting somewhere in the hall among ordinary people
It is difficult to change your established mind algorithms and behavior patterns
Therefore, many people leave the topic of self-improvement and return back to their usual swamp.
They exhausted their vital energy for a dash and did not reach the goal right away, so their hands dropped and they decided that it is better to have a tit in their hands than a crane in the sky.
Spiritual practices allow you to get more information about the world around you, more information about the scenarios of the behavior of other beings, the search for advantages and disadvantages in any situation.
Spiritual practices allow you to make your consciousness mobile and find solutions in difficult situations because you go beyond your limits that were built into you before by your parents, teachers, idols, friends, relatives, acquaintances, bosses, subordinates, random people
Spiritual practices give critical thinking and awareness of the importance of performance
You move from words to deeds to get the effect of each of your actions.
You must be sensitive to yourself and all the reality around you.
We seem to live in a new world, but the transition from one caste to another is still very difficult :)
You need to change drastically to jump above your head
Spiritual practices, in my opinion, are the only working option for changing yourself.
You change yourself every day and your connections with the outside world change.
You react to environmental changes in a different way than yesterday
The development of intuition saves energy
Knowing people allows you to choose the right people for yourself.
Understanding the essence of phenomena and things allows you to draw up a plan for the realization of your dreams and fantasies even before going to sea, on the shore.
At the same time, the plan can be very adaptive and lead to the final you need, unlike dreamers who expect the world to adapt to them, you just need to draw the necessary pictures in your mind :)
Everything around us says that it is not enough to fantasize, we must constantly act.
Doors open to those who knock on them
If you want to live more interesting, then change yourself
Change the cubes, atoms, molecules of your consciousness and your consciousness will turn into an alchemical stone that will reveal new possibilities of your being
The main problem of most people is that they have given up, fallen and lie in the dust of disbelief in themselves.
Can you chat with 2 clients today? But why not with 3? 4 5 6
Can you read 1 book today? But why not 2 3 4 5 6 7
Set new goals and objectives and achieve them every day
The old car won’t win the race
But you can transform an old car into a plane and it will set a speed record :)
Now there is a lot of information around, before it was not
But the clock frequency of the human consciousness processor is still low.
It is necessary to connect powerful energies to consciousness and it will be able to work faster
Rapid Consciousness Affects the Brain
The mind influences the body
What is consciousness and body
Effective spiritual practices give effective transformation here and now
Ineffective practices give nothing but certificates and diplomas on the walls :)))
Translate the potential energy of the mind into the kinetic energy of Life here and now